Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Internship Tips

Okay. First let me show off that I just got an intern opportunity at CNN Beijing.
I figured that this post will be totally out of fashion topic. But I think it's still necessary to post this about getting internship.
I understand that a lot of college students like me are struggling with intern oppotunities. With the economic now, it's not easy even if we are just offering free help. Even though I am journalism major, I think the tips I concluded should work generally with other majors as well. Hopefully you would find this useful.
First, I'll explain my situation. I'm turning junior next semester which really made it urgent for me to get an internship to collect more experiences in the industry.
So this leads to me now. I have sent out at least 15 resumes and cover letters to different media outlets 3 weeks ago which got no reply what so ever. Then I thought of one of my professor this semester. Her first major was Chinese and second major in journalism. Therefore, she has worked in China mainland and Hongkong for over 10 years which includes a few years at CNN Beijing. So with my desperation, I emailed her asking for information about CNN Beijing since I could not find anything about it on She was so nice that not only she sent me the email address of the editor of CNN Beijing and also wrote a recommandation letter to the editor. So 2 weeks ago, I sent my resume, my cover letter and a statement to the editor.

So here is my tip 1: Do not afraid to use any connections around you. Professors, friends, family friends... basically anything. People are generally happy to help you.

Before sending the emial to the editor, I realized that this could be my best shot at internship. So I took a really long time working on my resume, cover letter and statement. And then I sent it to the professor who recommanded me to this opportunity and had her reviewed it for me.

So, tip 2: Resume and cover letter are really important. Emphasize your advantages and try to find a way around your disadvantages. P.S.: I do not mean not to mention your disadvantages at all. Because they will find out eventually. So be honest with it, but do find a way around.

Tip 3: Never hesitate to ask experienced people to review your resume and cover letter to offer their advises. This could be really helpful.

After sending out my resume which was 1 week ago, I could not stop thinking about it. Waiting is really painful. Every single day I would ask my boyfrined something like: "Why haven't they replied me yet? They don't want me, do they?". Even my boyfriend was driven crazy by me.

Last, tip 4: Waiting is painful, but there would be an end. So be more patient.

This is pretty much I got and I would update anytime if I think of something.

If you find this useful, please let me know and support my blog.

Thank you. I will make another post about internship experience after I finish in the summer.

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